Ellen G. White in her writings clearly pointed out the connection between the food we eat and our physical and spiritual welfare.
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- 00-Foreword
- Chpt-01-Reasons for Reform
- Chpt-02-Diet and Spirituality
- Chpt-03-Health Reform and the Third Angels Message
- Chpt-04-The Proper Dietary
- Chpt-05-Physiology of Digestion
- Chpt-06-Improper Eating a Cause of Disease
- Chpt-07-Overeating
- Chpt-08-Control of Appetite
- Chpt-09-Regularity in Eating
- Chpt-10-Fasting
- Chpt-11-Extremes in Diet
- Chpt-12-Diet During Pregnancy
- Chpt-13-Diet in Childhood
- Chpt-14-Healthful Cookery
- Chpt-15-Health Foods and Hygienic Restaurants
- Chpt-16-Sanitarium Dietary
- Chpt-17-Diet a Rational Remedy
- Chpt-18-Fruits, Cereals and Vegetables
- Chpt-19-Desserts
- Chpt-20-Condiments etc
- Chpt-21-Fats
- Chpt-22-Proteins
- Chpt-23-Flesh Meats (Proteins continued)
- Chpt-24-Beverages
- Chpt-25-Teaching Health Principles
- Chpt-26-Appendix
- Chpt-27-Appendix