
The Fabulous First Centuries of Christianity:

The whole amazing story.

The most outstanding facts of early church history you will ever read!

You will learn about how Herod died after slaying the children of Bethlehem; the bloody and lengthy revolt against Rome while Jesus was a child in Nazareth; the city that Jesus spent 20 years helping to rebuild; the 29 illegalities in the two Hebrew trials of Christ; the 10 illegalities in the two trials before Pilate...and the one before Herod; how things changed in the Christian church after the last apostle died; what those post-Bible changes were and where they came from; why those changes are still with us today, and much more.

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The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan:

The lives and struggles of Christians through the ages – and the Impending Crisis. Author: E.G. White.

The most multi-featured edition of the Great Controversy ever published.

Complete text, plus Basic Steps to Christ, 220 colour illustrations, 68 charts, 4 maps. Map, book quotation, chart quotation, chart, Bible and general indexes. Special full colour study edition and much more. A glossy, hardback edition.

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